Thursday, March 15, 2007

um...what was that again?

So I’ve done it again. Another semester down the drain with nothing accomplished. It seems my extended family have nothing better to do than prod my already shattered ego about college. I have to admit the past few years I’ve been dazed, if not a wholly different person academically. After leaving Ozark and the blow out with my father it was almost like the academic loving me was lost to melancholy lethargy. I find myself missing classes for weeks because skipping is a disease. The fear of return is greater than the fear of failure. I don’t know how to fix this mess, much less to overcome it. My spending is erratic and my money follows suit of my academic career, down the preverbal porcelain god. I’m not sure what to do or how to get out of the spiral. I can’t seem to make enough money, I can’t seem to get to class, and to top it all off I feel like I’m dragging other people in with me. How do you set the road right again? I’ve been sick for several days and due to this am cranky…so perhaps I should sacrifice this post at the alter of angst and fevers…its located next to the alter of paper extensions and Bursar holds.


Tiffopotamus said...

Hmm....well you could start by going to classes even if it means you going there and sitting bored to death. I feel like saying more but it's time for green eggs and ham at Joe's so I'm outtie. We'll talk more later. :D

GrumpyTeacher1 said...

I'm not very good with words of encouragement.

I'm sure you remember that.

Nonetheless, I hope you do find encouragement somewhere. You are smart and capable. Hang in there