Its crazy to think that summer is now half way over. It seems like it just started, but at the same time seems like I’ve been home for a while. I’ve noticed that I find myself thinking about what I want out of next semester more and more as the summer begins its downhill slope. I have been journaling more of late on this very subject. What do I want out of fall? It’s going to be an interesting semester to say the least. I’ll be working every single morning, but thankfully not early. A very close friend from high school will be moving in with me, bridging the gap of Missouri Meg and Oklahoma Meg. I intend to make the highest GPA I’ve ever made and plan on getting the ball rolling on a semester abroad in Australia for fall of 07. I want to actually do this college thing and stop just sitting at home every night. I want to date, really date….not just randomly happen into a relationship. I want to go to the cultural dinners, movie nights, theatre shows, and even the drag queen contest. I want to study in the Library to say I’ve done it (nerdy right?) and nap on Library lawn. I want to go out with my friends and see a new movie occasionally. I want so many things, and I know that I have no way of packing it all in, but I’m going to try. I tend to put life on the backburner and work instead. I want to be 22/23 and enjoy it. With all these goals in mind there is only one thing I can do…and that is just go for it.