Thursday, June 15, 2006

How amazing is life sometimes? I feel so surrounded by people, places, moments, and things that make my heart feel the fullest it has in a long while. As I sit here typing my beloved dog is napping next to me, he refuses to leave my side since I've returned home. On the other side of the room Papa is sitting in his chair also napping, unless I change the channel on the television, then he'd be up and "watching" that. The History channel prattles off some information on World War II and the picture I see through the screendoor outside is of the trees swaying in the wind. Its peaceful and its mine. I cannot express the beauty in stillness that occures here everyday, perhaps I have found a joy here that I had forgotten existed. I miss college very much, at times I feel like I'm going to lose my mind here, but then I have moments like this and it makes the crazy need for my life in Oklahoma vanish. At last it is truely summer for me.

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