Thursday, January 25, 2007

Its been a while...

I don't have to much to say really, so I'll just post some of the work we've done in my Creative Writing Class. One is a 100 word story and the other is a poem we just wrote today...needless to say...I'm not a

Sound Murderer
The music had driven her mad. When she’d finally gotten her new phone, she was certain it would be the joy of her life. Make no mistake; the MP3 playing cell phone was nothing more than a glorified boat anchor. Twenty-four hours a day she would hear, not only her phone ringing, but also many others. Slowly she started to kill cell phone users one by one, until their phones and the music they made were silent. All she longed for now was quiet. She wiped the knife clean as her phone began to ring, “Another One Bites the Dust.”

I too once lived by the sea

waves sweeping clean
grainy sand, only budging in small strides

sea salt smelling of faded play dough
chunked hands

gulls laughing rather harshly
at our les than birdlike

kelp wafting like an odor in air
on pristine waves

I too once lived by the sea

an iron vice on my soul
waves of pristine blue

endless horizons creating profound longing
or rather, deep regret

hide in its beauty
swim away from fear
waft like kelp


I too once lived by the sea

1 comment:

GrumpyTeacher1 said...

Well I liked them both.
