Friday, March 24, 2006

Sorely Missed

The craziest adventure occurred for me this afternoon. I rode to Tulsa with Jason. I work this weekend and have been honestly been missing the company of my best friend. It was great when I realized that I could ride with him instead of taking the bus like I normally do. The trip was filled with us talking about music, friendship, and life in general. It was like it was fall again, before we were pulled apart by the typical symptoms of growing up. I miss him, and I realize that things are not going to be the same now that he is getting married. Married, how crazy that sounds. My little Clarkie, my Tex, my longer mine I guess. I have no feelings for him, I haven't in a lifetime it seems, yet I love him. We are transcendent of all that we've gone through. Its amazing how life works out, things slowly become replaced and changed. We've both grown used to the distance that has started to occur. The rarity of seeing each other has become more and more normal for us. The beauty of it all is that he is madly in love, and I'd never begrudge him that wonderful thing. Perhaps someday I too will know what it is like to be loved the way he loves his fiancee'. I'm on an adventure of my own, perhaps more complicated and wildly dramatic, but mine. He was and will always be a part of me and I will always remember him, even if life takes us down different roads. He will always be my Anita and I will always be his Raul, and we will always make people laugh together, twinkies. He'll just be someone else's yay for obscure inside jokes and food references. In the end I guess I've got my own Zinger to find =)

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