Do you ever connect with your past in a way that smacks you in the face?
Facebook and
MySpace are two of the oddest places on earth, and yet I find myself blown away by their power to connect people. What do you do when faced with people who knew you when you were finding yourself? What do you do with people who saw you roll down two flights of stairs in HS? Or the people who remember the screaming fight in the cafeteria your senior year? The people who watched you perform on stage or even performed with you?
Or your first college crush? What about the people who tormented you? When does a person stop defining themselves by the people they used to know rather than the person they are? Do you ever stop wondering about the people who were faces in the crowd of your life? In this picture collage I have captured HS, my freshman year of college, and my even my first year and half in Tulsa...all those people and I are connected...
Sadly, I found myself in a similiar position at about the same age. I've had to let go of friends who were preventing me from becoming who I had to become (and am still becoming) if I wanted to live authentically. I wish I could say it was easy or that that I don't still miss those people today. Still, I would rather take the path God has given me than sit in the dust like an addled toad.
I hope that makes sense.
It means a lot that you share those experiances with me, and I agree being an addled toad would be no fun :)
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