Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Lately I have been losing the joy in the random everyday moments. In an effort to regain a sense of this I’m making another list. This is a List of some random things that have brought me joy in the past couple of weeks.

Squeak Attack- As a rubber ducky lover and collector I tend to wind up with ducks everywhere; this can lead to some crazy events. Last night before a massive blow out between Clarkie and my roomie, Clarkie and I had a rubber duck fight. The sqeaking was insane; it started out as me just squeaking the duck at him, and before it was over the squeaking was at a volume to loud to comprehend. I’m sure my neighbors loved it. It was hilarious and random. Hands and squeaks were flying everywhere, if you can handle the insane squeaking its quite fun.

I like big bibles and I cannot lie- Hearing lyrics from the Christian version of Baby got back entitled Baby got book….really I shouldn’t have to say more.

Team meeting- Last week I conducted a team meeting for my lab. I was nervous and not looking forward to lecturing or even being mildly grumpy to the Comp Asst in my lab, but it was a necessary evil. After the meeting, which went fantastically well we were all just sitting around talking, and started to tease another labs team leader who was working a shift in my lab. He and I are buddies, me and two other girls started to argue about who gets to marry him, we were all talking about how we each had to take turns being his wife…I apparently get the weekends. Even funnier is that we are all taken girls. He took it in stride and was rather amusing to watch.

Full of air- While watching Lost last Wednesday Clarkie and I started arguing about something or other, in order to prove his point he thought it would be funny to roll over onto me, causing pain. We were watching TV in my room on my air mattress. The only thing he did was manage to push me farther into the air mattress. In amused tone I said, “uh...air displacement, nice try.” It was funny because of the defeatist attitude he had for the next 10mins.

When ducks attack- While walking home from my first shift on Monday I was attacked by ducks. It was still dark out and these two ducks had wandered quite a ways from the pond, in an effort to give them space I arched around them, apparently they were not amused by this. They instead of quacking a thanks proceeded to follow after me, quacking rather rudely. I finally was able to break free considering I have longer legs and don’t waddle, but the memory of the insane quacking ducks will haunt me forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved that Baby Got Book lol...

Also would have loved to have been there for the duck attack! ROFL ^_~